Dave Plunkett

Meet Dave: 

Hi! I’m Dave, a music and football loving Dad of 3 from the Southwest, passionate about connecting with each other, the things we love, and generally being excited by life.

I’ve developed hundreds of partnerships. Growing my membership organisation to 2000 members almost entirely through referrals and strategic partnerships, before my customer engagement agency provided access to the SME market for global brands such as Regus & Volvo, reaching nearly 1 million business owners along the way.

In 2020 I set up Collaboration Junkie. Helping brands identify, nurture and scale referral & partnership opportunities.  

Since then my DANCE framework for strategic partnerships, and methodology for building cultures of referrals, has helped hundreds of businesses - many of them agencies - learn the lessons from my successes, and not so successes.

Tapping into our innate tribal nature to connect, I offer consultancy, coaching, and workshops that offer a mix of inspiration and highly practical advice for those looking to leverage the oldest, and most successful form of marketing, in a very intentional, but personal, way.  

Hope you like my videos, and please do connect on LinkedIn (and if you want to subscribe to my newsletter I share loads of good stuff on there that will hopefully either spark an idea or raise a smile)

121 work

Get in touch to discuss how I can support you and your team directly with either partnership or referral strategy (or both) through a range of workshops, coaching and consultancy.

[email protected]

Better Referrals, More Often Programme

A 2 month online (live sessions) programme focussing on the oldest, and still most successful, form of marketing (word of mouth).

You’ll be coached and supported through the Who, Why, When, What and How of client, and wider network, referrals. Which means you’ll end up with the systems, skills, processes and confidence to be much more intentional about how you ask for, and receive introductions into your business.

The result - high quality introductions into your agency on a consistent basis.



Kick Ass Collaboration Programme

A 6 month online (live sessions) programme that coaches you through our DANCE framework for forming the powerful Strategic Referral Partnerships that will take your agency to the next level.

Discovery - who your ideal partners are and what's your partner value proposition?

Assembly - the systems and structure that allow you to build trust and set up to scale

Nurturing - the communication processes that allow you to form rock solid relationships

Connection - how you support your partners so that they can effortlessly promote you to their audience

Engagement - your strategy for bring new ideal partners onboard

The result - a scalable new business strategy that brings your ideal clients to you, at the ideal time to buy, on a consistent basis.



"Dave is one of the most valuable business people I’ve met in the last few years. He has deep specialist knowledge, a fantastic network and, most importantly, a deep empathy with people and a passion for helping them succeed.

Undertaking the Kick-Ass Collaboration Programme from Collaboration Junkie has achieved three things for Sufu that, even as an experienced founder who is a decade into my journey, I was struggling to achieve alone.

  1. Targeting - I was able to see past some deeply embedded misconceptions about who my most valuable partners were, why, and how to redirect my focus. We all have blindspots, Dave removed mine.
  2. Process & Systems – Dave has the “how” of partnerships down. You don’t need to worry that partnerships mean creating a lot of documentation, Dave has done the vast majority of the work for you, you can just tweak them to your needs.
  3. Getting to work – The last value working with Dave has given me is simply the ability to make me move the dial for myself! He is as adept at working with people who are unsure and need nurturing, as he is with people who are confident and need challenging. He gets you to get it done!

I’ve already started to achieve tangible outcomes from my work with Dave in terms of securing valuable mentoring roles, getting content co-creation opportunities with valuable partners and improving my commercial outcomes through better pricing and negotiation.

Collaboration Junkie is a difference-making partner for agencies who want to grow."

Tom Hadley - Director Sufu Marketing


"Dave is a rare breed of person. 

I met Dave about 3 years ago, and he was one of the few folks who could concisely convey the sorts of people he wanted to speak to and why.

Not only that, but he's a talented and natural communicator and networker. As a result, through the last 3 years, we've been able to put a lot of business each other's way.

I thought I had seen the best of Dave, but I was wrong.

I recently joined the Kick Ass Collaboration Program, and had the privilege of being on the receiving end of Dave in his natural habitat.

Dave brings partnerships to life!

Im adhd and normally struggle with workbooks and classwork, but dave made it all very simple and easy to do, but importantly, he's a brilliant facilitator as well as an amazing communicator.

He's created a small group who are comfortable to help each other and have full transparency between us. That takes a special sort of person, and Dave is more than up to the task.

If you think you have a partnership proposition in place, or you have no idea where to start... Take some time and talk to him.

There are levels above where you are now that you have no idea exist, and that's where the magic is.

Cannot recommend Dave highly enough. Top bloke."

Paul Banks - Founder, Javelin Content Management